Lisa Blutman, President   
Debbie Sklarin, Vice President  
Gail Krieger, Secretary/Treasurer   


We invite you to celebrate the joy of Westie ownership with us.  San Francisco Bay West Highland White Terrier Club meetings are held quarterly at various locations in the San Francisco bay area counties.  Meeting dates, location and programs are always listed on our newly rebuilt website.  You will also find specialty, sweepstakes, performance and fun events information on our website.  For puppy and adult Westie breeder information we would like to direct you to the West Highland White Terrier Club of America breeder referral page: We look forward to seeing you at a SFBWHWTC event.

Our 2024 Officers and Directors


Sherry Byrd

Nancy Berger

Helaine Campbell

Jim Gilcrest


Welcome to the San Francisco Bay West Highland White Terrier Club.   The San Francisco Bay West Highland White Terrier Club (SFBWHWTC) serves northern California area Westie owners through education and social activities.  
The purpose of the club is to promote healthy West Highland White Terrier temperament, structure and genetics and to advance interest in the breed through a variety of AKC sanctioned activities in which Westies participate.